Journal from the Home Counties..

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So I'm addicted to reading blogs, and one of my bright spark friends suggests I start my own....
Alrighty then.
Background: I'd like to think I am an interesting intelligent female, a parent, a scout leader, and aparently a compulsive volunteer, my friends have taken to holding my arms down at scout and school meetings!

My son is doing a survey of all the water we use in our household over two days, for his school homework. 9 litres per toilet flush, 55 litres per dishwasher run, etc. We stick post - its up in all the bathrooms and kitchen. Am horrified to learn that we have used 557 litres of water in only 2 days!
Staggering. After some careful research on the net however, and relieved to find that some of the school's water usage per task/appliance is a little outdated. For example, our washing machine uses only 45 litres of water - not 110 litres! Feel a little better now :)
Question is, do i write notes all over the homework page to the teacher, or go on letting him think we used 557 litres over 2 days this week?!